About ChiChi

Well, I'm a born and raised Florida girl that fell in love with a Puerto Rican. We have been together since 07 and we plan to spend the rest of our lives together! Everyday is a new adventure and I couldn't be happier! I finally found my true love and it was worth waiting for. Te Amo Papi, Siempre!

I have an obsession with (in no specfic order) shopping, Justin Timberlake, NSYNC, Disney, pink, nail polish, makeup, Twilight, Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A, Target, dasani water, iced coffee, 5th avenues, Hershey's Symphony, Oreos, Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries and ice cream.

Occasionally I post videos. You can find them here or here.

You can also find me:
My personal Blog
My Disney Blog

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