Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Twinsie Tuesday: odd inspiration

Today's theme is odd inspiration.  I couldn't think of anything particularly odd but I do have a quick story to share.
Last Friday after work, I put my work bag on the table with a little treat for when I sit down to work on some "take - home work". My boyfriend needed the bag off the table so he sat it on the floor. Some time later I walk through the dining room and see my candy wrapper on the floor. I immediately knew who was responsible. My sweet greedy pup. He's okay which I'm glad for but boy was I disappointed he got to enjoy my treat. So all in short my post is inspired by a candy bar and my pup. I used Sally Girl Chocolate Chip over Wet n Wild French White Creme.
Alaina at The Little Canvas
Amanda at Amandalandish
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Cordia at Seriously Swatched
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Jessica at Blue Velvet Lacquer
Kelly at Tuxarina
Lakeisha at Refined and Polished

      Marisa at Polish Obsession
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Stephanie at A Little Polish
Tiffany at Polished To Precision


  1. Aww! Sounds like you need another candy bar! :) I love this mani, it's really cute!

  2. Cute story about the inspiration for the nails! Fits it perfectly.

  3. Aww I LOVE this! My pup likes to steal my snacks sometimes too - the polish matches the candy and the pup perfect!

  4. These polishes go together perfectly! Glad pup is okay ^_^


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